Friday, April 4, 2008

Tres Leches

Cakes: Yield = 30 cakes

16 egg whites
¼ tsp. salt
16 egg yolks
1 qt. sugar
2 cups milk
2 Tbs. vanilla
1 lb. 4 oz. flour
2 Tbs. baking powder

Whip egg whites with salt until stiff peaks form, set aside. Beat yolks completely before adding sugar. Add sugar and whip until smooth, pale yellow. Add the milk & vanilla, and mix well. Weigh flour, add, and mix. Fold egg whites into batter. Pour 4.5 oz. into each lightly greased pan (3/4 full). Bake at 350° for 45 min. or until completely dry & med. dark brown color.

9 cans evaporated milk – Carnation brand
6 cans sweet condensed milk – Eagle brand
1 ½ qt. whipping cream
3 Tbs. vanilla

Strain the whipping cream and combine rest of ingredients, mix. Prick small holes and sides of cakes with a fork or toothpicks. Measure 3 oz. of sweet milk, and pour over cake. Let it soak in, and then add 1 oz. to top. Cool completely before wrapping. Serve with fresh sliced strawberries and whipped cream.

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